Kent County
Food System

Assessment & Plan

The Kent County Food Policy Council exists to advocate for and promote a local, good food system.

We are leading a food planning process to identify the key areas in which policy activity can advance a thriving good food system in Kent County.

This process will include:

  1. Completing a regional Food System Assessment
  2. Completing a Food Policy Assessment for Kent County and the City of Grand Rapids
  3. Developing a Food System Plan for Kent County based on community input

What is a food system plan and why do we need one?

A healthy, sustainable regional food system can bring economic, environmental, and social benefits to a community. But these benefits don't happen automatically. Food systems need planning, too! Planning brings structure and strategy to local food systems growth, and helps align policies, such as ordinances, zoning, and incentives to support the local food system.


A Food System Plan can:

Foster profitable agriculture and food business,

Support entrepreneurs in agriculture and food,

Create new jobs and opportunities,

Increase access to healthy, nutritious foods for all,

Support skills in gardening and food preparation,

Protect soil, water, and air quality,

Reduce food waste,

Celebrate diversity of food and agriculture in our community, and

Empower all to participate in the food system.

How do we do our work?

We have convened committees that focus on key parts of the process.

Stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved and contact if you would like to participate in one of the committees.

flowmap (desktop)
mobile flowchart V2

Our Timeline

The entire project will span from Fall 2023 to Winter 2025



This project is made possible by funding from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund

Connect With Us

Are you interested in engaging in food system efforts but don't know where or how? Fill out the form linked below so we can connect with you and better understand where your interests, skills and talents align with our work.