Goal 3
Reduce food waste and related solid wastes
National studies suggest that up to 40 percent of all food produced is wasted. Loss occurs at each step in the food system. Examples include unharvested crops in fields, unsold food from retail stores, and uneaten prepared food or kitchen trimmings from restaurants, cafeterias, and households. Reducing food waste and packaging can save consumers money, save space in landfills, and reduce landfill methane emissions that contribute to climate change.
Key findings from the Kent County Food System Assessment are more limited in this sector as most food waste data is estimated at the national level. However, Kent County Solid Waste does track the total organic waste generated in the county, and in 2021, 71,841 tons of the organic waste generated were food waste. This food waste accounted for 74.2 percent of all organic waste collected in the county.4

Objective 1.
Reduce the amount of food and solid waste generated in public, commercial, and residential settings
Objective 2:
Support the safe recovery of food to feed people in need
Objective 3:
Increase access to composting services and provide resources for residential composting
Kent County Food Policy Council's Next Steps
Moving the plan forward
Partnership Engagement:
The Council will convene stakeholders to prioritize and work together on recommendations and identify relevant funding
Coordination of Action Items:
The Council will coordinate, track and delegate actions with community partners and members to ensure effective execution.
Progress Assessment:
Regular evaluation will assess and track the success of the plan.
Community Engagement:
The Council engage our community to present findings, gather community input and communicate about progress made

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